Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

Tips Belanja Item Diskon

Siapa yang tidak tahu bahwa kaum hawa cenderung konsumtif? apalagi jika itu berlabel diskon! Mal seolah menjadi surga bagi para pecinta belanja saat musim diskon.

Tapi menghadapi pesta diskon, Anda tentu harus cerdas. Jangan sampai hanya karena tergiur dengan harga murah, Anda jadi tidak bisa menahan nafsu belanja. Dilansir Mag for Woman, berikut enam tips cerdas berburu barang diskon.

Pilih barang dengan hati-hati
Saat memberikan diskon, banyak oknum penjual mencampurkan barang-barang yang sudah rusak atau memiliki cacat dengan barang-barang yang masih dalam kondisi baik. Kerusakannya mungkin sangat kecil sehingga tidak bisa langsung terdeteksi mata. Contohnya, sedikit sobekan kecil di pakaian.

Biasanya, mereka momen diskon biasanya dimanfaatkan mereka untuk 'membersihkan' barang-barang yang sudah rusak. Jadi berhati-hatilah saat memilih barang. Periksa dengan teliti setiap bagian barang yang Anda beli.

Belanja saat waktu luang
Belanja saat diskon memang lebih membutuhkan energi dan waktu luang. Pasalnya, para pemilik toko biasanya menyatukan seluruh barang diskon di rak-rak tanpa terorganisir dan tidak dikategorikan. Semua barang ditumpuk jadi satu hingga menggunung.
Anda tentu memerlukan banyak energi untuk membongkar semua rak agar bisa menemukan barang-barang yang Anda sukai dan butuhkan. Jadi, jangan pernah berbelanja dengan terburu-buru.

Buat anggaran
Namanya diskon, barang-baramg yang dijual tentu lebih murah dari biasanya. Potongan harga tersebut, bisa jadi membuat Anda tidak berpikir panjang dalam membeli barang.
Hasilnya, ada banyak barang yang tidak Anda butuhkan masuk dalam keranjang belanja. Jadi sebelum berbelanja, tetapkan anggaran belanja terlebih dulu dan tuliskan barang-barang apa saja yang akan Anda beli dalam satu daftar belanjaan. Dan berpeganglah pada anggaran yang sudah dibuat.

Jangan membawa anak
Sangat tidak dianjurkan bagi Anda membawa anak saat sedang berburu barang diskon. Fokus Anda bisa terbagi dua, antara memperhatikan anak Anda agar tidak hilang di tengah ramainya pengunjung dengan sibuk mencari barang-barang yang diinginkan.

Padahal saat berbelanja Anda perlu hati-hati dan bersusah payah membongkar tumpukan barang demi mendapatkan barang bagus dengan harga terbaik.

Jangan beli barang dari satu toko
Musim diskon biasanya tidak hanya diberikan oleh satu toko saja. Ada beberapa mal dan toko yang memberi diskon bersamaan. Itu artinya Anda memiliki banyak pilihan.

Jangan habiskan uang Anda di satu toko karena Anda akan menyesal jika menemukan barang yang sama di toko lain dengan harga lebih murah. Sebaiknya datangi beberapa toko, lalu tentukan barang yang dijual di toko mana yang paling Anda sukai dan harganya yang juga sesuai anggaran.

Beli barang yang benar-benar disukai
Salah satu pertanyaan terbaik bagi diri sendiri saat akan membeli barang diskon adalah: "Apakah saya sangat menyukai barang ini sehingga sebenarnya saya akan membelinya, bahkan tanpa potongan harga?"

Jika jawabannya ya, jangan ragu untuk membayarnya. Pertanyaan ini akan membantu Anda untuk membedakan antara membeli sesuatu hanya karena harganya yang murah atau membeli sesuatu karena Anda memang menyukainya.

Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Tips for Buying the Perfect Suit

Some clothes are meant for special occasions. Many people around the world wear suits for important meetings and occasion. Every man desires of wearing a suit in his life for a business meeting in a corporate office. What else can look more professional than a man wearing a suit and giving a speech? Suits are an important fashion accessory for every man. Men are generally believed to be less fashion conscious than women. But it is not true in every aspect, especially in case of suits. There is no man around the world who can say that he does not like suits. Suits are loved by every man.

There are different brands of suit in the market for people to buy. The varieties of options make it confusing for people to choose a suit. Here are a few tips that can help you in buying a perfect suit:

Choose the fabric wisely - Fabric is the most important part of any clothing accessory. If you are buying a suit for the first time, then your best bet for suit fabric would be worsted wools. This fabric works well for any season.

Length of sleeves - The length of your sleeves should be right on. The perfect length of sleeves is when it reaches the base of your thumb. You should pay special attention to it as most buyers make a mistake here.

Fitting of Trouser - The waistline of trouser should be comfortable. You should be able to stick your two fingers in the pants, while you are wearing it.

Hem on Trouser - The pants that you wear should reach till your shoes. The height of a person is an important factor while selecting trousers. Cuffless pants make a person look taller.

Jacket waist - Jacket of the suit should fit easily across the stomach. Fitting jackets with three or four buttons are popular these days.

General Fitting - Comfort is the most important factor for selecting any suit. You should be able to move around easily in your suit. You should have some free movement in your arms.

The process of selecting a perfect suit is not easy. You need to keep various factors in mind before you buy a suit. The above mentioned factors can help you immensely. At the last, you just need to remember that you should feel comfortable and the suit should look nice when you wear it.

Top suit brands are always struggling to make the best suits for their customers. You should always buy your suit from a reputed suit brand.

Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

Unique Contact Lenses

Green and red color contact lenses make it look very brightly lit. Not only that , if contact lenses are usually only cover the black eye on the ball , then this is precisely the contact lenses cover your entire eyeball

Initially it may seem normal, but when viewed more closely , the eye with the contact lens will look on. In fact , your eyes can emit light sparkling diamond bathtub expensive in general . 

A strange patterned contact lenses ball has been created by a contact lens company in Germany .

Wara very lit blood red makes your eyes look so sad and terrible . There is no beauty that is displayed side by contact lenses . However , this unique contact lens was created not only as something new and exciting . However , contact lenses this blood has the function to reduce excessive sunlight coming into your eyes

If you see it , definitely terbesit in mind that you are very cute contact lens nan adorable . it is true , contact lenses have a very bright yellow color for cheerful impression . In addition , in the midst of contact lenses there are shades of smile that makes anyone who sees it will also delight and exasperation .

What about you Guys? interested in using it??

Rabu, 25 September 2013

Kids Fashion and Style

Today fashion is not exclusively just for adult or model, children too have taste to wear fancy, catchy, and yet cheerful look. The way of wearing these clothes makes children more confidence and more believe their body, finally it ends to how to behave.

First thing is, although many styles of clothing may be cute, you should always look for the best combination of function and style. Clothing should be warm, non-irritating and not constrictive. Children need clothes that are going to be able to move with them and keep them comfortable throughout the day. Is it also important to remember that children are in different climates throughout the day, going in and out of school, so layering is the key. So, keep in mind children are very creative and need comfortable clothing.

Before you choose clothes for your child, first you must choose kids clothes distributor or distributor baju anak, this is very important because you know what material use for make the clothes and is it comfort enough for your child to wear and doing activity. Many trustworthy online shop for kid’s clothes (baju anak), where you can choose clothes for your children. The clothes made from soft, comfort material with good airflow around it, mostly cotton and flannel for extra warmth. For those live in with winter season, you must layers the clothes to keep the warmth in close to their bodies while they are outdoors. A majority of heat is lost through the head. Scarves and blankets will help avoid breathing in the cold air, which is uncomfortable for children.

Meanwhile, for infant or toddler is important to pay attention to the current weather. You also want to be aware of the level of activity your child will be participating in. The more active a child is, the hotter their body’s become. Dressing your child appropriately for their activity level and the weather will help ensure your child will be as comfortable as possible.

The color of the clothes is still catchy but trendy, with cheerful theme. Many clothes here on Edelweisshop is very stylish, very creative design and is just kids clothes (baju anak), but children have right to go stylish too. Some tips from the experienced seller, are children are very active, so less restrictive clothing will ensure for better movement. Avoid clothing with a lot of belts, buckles, or too many buttons. Zippers are easy to use. Elastic is easy to pull on and off and often is the best choice.

Utilizing Elements Of Mod Apparel To Elevate Your Look

These days, Mod clothing has witnessed an increase in popularity. A lot more persons are wearing it and shopping for it each and every day. Among the many reasons why these items of clothing are really popular is that as they are 'vintage', they feature a definite personality which cannot easily be replicated in modern day clothes. Outlined in this article, you'll be able to study different techniques regarding how to get an effective hint of Mod clothing.

Just like many fashion styles, you have to get inspired. This goes for every look, from glam to punk to vintage and more. Buy some magazines, investigate the Internet, watch the TV, and try and ascertain what does and what doesn't look great relating to Mod garments. Then what you need to do is to copy the unique look which you want. I can't overestimate precisely how important aesthetic inspiration is when it comes to fashion. Search on different web sites online that sell Mod clothing or use major search engines to get inspiration.

Mix Mod garments with modern day pieces. The simplest way to start putting on Mod clothes is to wear it coupled with contemporary clothing. As a matter of fact, popular people like celebrities do this incredibly well and this usually gives them an original, modern, and fresh style. Loads of famous faces often add some fashionable accessories to their Mod clothing look. As well as looking very cool, this'll help to bring out the personality of the Mod items. It is popular in male fashion circles currently, for example, to perhaps don a Mod jumper with some on-trend jeans and a t-shirt. It truly does look good! In case you genuinely wish to jump out with your apparel, I would suggest adding merely one accessory to your Mod apparel - but make it a really bold one, such as a gorgeous bag or belt.

Also you can pair these retro clothes with modern-day styling so that you can look contemporary, young, and different. Maybe you are not yet ready to start filling up your own closet with Mod stuff from years that have passed. However, bear in mind that you can draw on aspects of the Mod clothing look subtly, if you like. Inspiration usually will come in a number of ways and that means you don't need to close your door if you think you don't have the ability to change your style.

When you have decided that you'd like to purchase some of this kind od clothing, have a walk down to your nearby charity shop, because you will probably find some there. Also, it is an easy task to find Mod clothing on line, as there are a good amount of specialist retailers on the market. There are lots of Mod clothing vendors on the net which can inspire you in different ways. As with any fashion category, it is crucial that you remember that to look good you'll need more than solely the clothes by themselves. To look really unquie in Mod clothing, you will need to wear your outfit with charm and individuality. Have fun in your clothes and revel in putting them on and this individuality will probably be easy to locate. Keep in mind that on this!

James Walmsley is a marketing assistant at Phix Clothing, a UK-based online retailer which specialises in trendy and fashionable Mod clothing and retro clothes for men and women. All clothes are shipped worldwide.

Rock Your Next Party As the Ultimate Diva!

A lady would always want to be the soul of every party she attends. However, with so many parties going around, it may be difficult to choose which one to bedazzle. Though it may be difficult to be the centre of attraction at all parties, you can try to grace one party at a time with your charisma.

Being a diva is easier said than done, you must be ready to undertake some serious work in order to exhibit that star-like glamour. You should look perfect from every angle, every cut and every curve must be at its very best. Here is a list of the most important things which get noticed at a party. Read along to make sure you don't miss out on anything important.


The best thing about a diva is her figure. The flat abs, the toned thighs, and the slim cut are a must have for every diva. Though it is difficult to resist the junk food entirely, you will have to be very specific about your goals. If you want to make a big impression at the party, don't let anything come in your way. Be persistent and your figure will reflect your hard work.


The importance of a perfect dress remains unquestioned. The saying, "clothes make a man" does not strictly refer to men alone; it is very well applicable to their female counterparts too. Hunt all shops and brands known for their party wear collection. Find something which would complement your figure, skin tone and personality. A perfect dress is a mandate if you want to linger on the minds of people as a style icon.


Talking about shoes, Marilyn Monroe's statement will hold true as long as life (or women) exist on earth. She says, "Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world." I think you must have understood the relevance of a good pair of shoes now. However, do not choose anything which does not promise the comfort. Nothing can be more disappointing than sporting uncomfortable shoes. They will ruin your entire look and all your hard work will be in vain.


A well-shaped body, a perfect dress and a matching pair of shoes; all this will make sense only if you have a pretty face to carry it off. Though a beautiful face is an asset in the truest sense of the term, undervaluing the importance of good make-up would be a mistake. Covering up the pores, spots and zits are of utmost importance, they will become an eyesore to your overall look.


No look can be complete without the proper accessories. Women seem to have understood the significance of accessories long back in time. However, you need not follow trends blindly. Be smart enough to understand whether your dress leaves any space to be filled in by accessories or not. If not, do not go overboard with accessorizing. The all-clean look is also a hit, provided your dress is self-sufficient to amaze the crowd.

To conclude, these are the most important things which matter at a party. Take care of these and you will certainly rule all parties with your razzle-dazzle.

Women give a lot of importance to shoes in Perth, and why wouldn't they? It is a very important aspect of your look. Visit our website to see all the trendy shoes collection of the year.

The Latest Fashion Trends For Shoes This Summer

Some years, the new summer shoe style releases are just plain boring; they just don't seem to change much from the previous year.

This summer though, what's on the horizon has got a wow factor; something that every shoe lover to be excited about! The latest collection of shoes to hit the runways, and the stores, are a "must have" for any true shoe aficionado.

As summer approaches and you begin to pack away the winter clothing and shoes, get ready to show your legs off with some of the most sexy, sleek shoes ever. With styles and colors that will match any and every piece of your summer wardrobe, you'll feel like a model on your own personal runway. The shoe designs that are arriving in stores are not only interesting, colourful and frivolous.


Bold and bright is the tone for this summer season's shoes. From candy shades to colors that are bold and proud; colours that will speak to us from the feet of any shoe fashion-conscious person this summer. These brightly coloured shoes will be found in a wide variety of designs and heights. These shoes will be the first thing people will notice when you walk into a room and they'll certainly make you stand out in a group of people!


This summer has seen some designers taking the Gladiator design up a notch with various examples that go from boots to flats and heels. The Gladiator design gives you a dramatic look, and with buckles, the look is bold and brassy summer chic.


The new laser-cut summer shoe style has arrived in both low-cut boot and shoe styles that will keep your feet cool. Your feet will not only be comfortable but attractive and stylish too. These shoes will complete your stylish outfit and after a long day, your feet won't be hot and tired, but cool, relaxed and comfortable.


Brightening up the summer wardrobe even more is the fashionable "metallic" shoe which will give any outfit more style with bling or without bling and comes in a wide range of bright colors too. These shoes will bring your summer wardrobe even more pizzazz than any previous summer style. It will be difficult for designers to come up with something to beat the summer-design "metallic" shoe look when fall comes around.


Any true style-aficionado will not be without printed platforms in their wardrobe this summer. Coming out in bright, vivid colors and floral prints too, these are a definite summer wardrobe "must have" item. The "Mani" is a definite with the open toe style, as all eyes are drawn to the animal, leopard or snake print incorporated into the design.

The summer shoe season is going to be exciting, fun and interesting. With so much style and variety, the decision on which shoe to purchase will be a difficult one. Whilst choosing which of the hottest fashions you want for the summer, take care to select the shoe that is made by quality craftsmen using the best possible materials.

The shoes you place on your feet will go towards not only making your day comfortable, but helping you to look your absolute best. This seasons fashions allow you to step out confidently in both comfort and style.

Selasa, 24 September 2013

Keep Leather Shine

Leather stuff can be elegant, because of the shiny looking surface. Although, to make the leather stuff is quite expensive and need a lot of resources, for example leather itself; how long it takes to make the leather keep clean and shines. This stuff is very notable, and make the wearer could be looking more stylish.

Many leather stuff has produced, one of them is leather purse and wallet, or tas kulit . These quite expensive for some reason, especially branded one. The main problem is always same, how you can keep your leather purse, or wallet look shiny for long time use. Simple tips, you have always checked the tags on your leather purse for manufacturer’s tips and suggestions with regard to cleaning. If the manufacturer’s advice contradicts anything contained in this article, always follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. 

Before you clean dompet kulit or just do some maintenance for your leather purse or wallet, first thing you need is a kit of; warm water, sponge, soft cleaning cloth, mild liquid facial or body soap, dry towel, water-based leather protector/conditioner. The cleaning process should be start from; empty your purse, open it wide, unzipping all pockets inside it and turn it upside down, wipe out the interior of the purse with soft cleaning cloth (dry), mix a few drops of liquid soap with about two cups of distilled water, mixing until suds form, dip your sponge or soft rag into the soapy water and wring out thoroughly, so that it is barely wet, wipe the leather surface of the purse with the damp rag, dry thoroughly with the towel, buffing as you go to restore luster, finally treat surface with leather protector/conditioner as per productions instructions.

Nevertheless, sometime bad thing happen to our beloved tas kulit, stains for instance whether ink, food, or even blood. First thing you should do is, always test a small area of the purse first before using any following methods. Ink stains; dip a cotton swab in rubbing (isoprophl) alcohol and rub over ink stain. Dry with a blow dryer set on its lowest setting. Dark stains (i.e. food, blood), make a paste of one part cream of tartar to one part lemon juice. Rub paste on the stain and leave it for 10 minutes. Remove the paste with a damp rag and moisturizing soap, as described above for general cleaning, finally buff the leather dry with a soft cloth or towel.